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CCD News

Downtown Denver Partnership Events & Happenings


  1. Downtown Denver Ice Rink | Now – February 11 | This season, join us on the ice in Skyline Park. This is a great activity for families, friends, and co-workers alike. There is still availability for broomball and other corporate events. Visit Winter in the City for more info!

  2. 2024 Economic Outlook: Investing in The Downtown of Our Future | February 22 | Join the Partnership for our annual economic outlook which will examine national and local factors likely to impact Denver in 2024. This year, there will be a focus on capturing opportunities this year and beyond. Register now!

  3. City Scout | April 29 – May 1 | In partnership with ULI Colorado, DDP will bring a group of 60 stakeholders to learn about Calgary’s pioneering adaptive reuse program and downtown neighborhood investment to decrease vacancy in their commercial core. The goal of this program is to identify near-term actions and practical solutions that we can bring back to Denver to shape the forthcoming 2024 Downtown Area Plan update and Denver’s office conversion strategy. Sponsorships are available and applications will be accepted on a rolling basis with a priority deadline of February 23. Learn more and apply here!

  4. Urban Exploration | June 9 – June 12 | Applications close February 16th; apply here! We’d love to have you join us in Boston, MA at our premier experiential program for Denver’s business leaders, non-profit pioneers, and elected officials. Boston is a city focused on growing inclusively, investing in neighborhoods, and preparing for opportunities and challenges. We’ll learn about the strategic policies and pivotal moments that are shaping Boston’s trajectory – from mobility and sustainability to youth-oriented urban design and programming – all the while respecting the ever-present challenge of adding contemporary infrastructure to a dynamic pallet of historic identity and culture.


  1. Clean and Safe App | Please download the Clean and Safe app and do your part to make Denver the best it can be! Download the app here.


  1. Winter Warm-Up CSG Clothing Drive | Now – February 22 | We will be collecting warm clothing items for our teammates at Consolidated Services Group (CSG) who tirelessly strive to ensure downtown is clean and maintained come rain, snow, or shine. For information on CSG, a link to donate directly from the Amazon shop, and drop-off locations, click here!

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